Roses in the pipe (Róże w rurze), object, Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, fot. Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, fot. Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, fot. Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, fot. Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, fot. Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, fot. Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
The series of objects and audio plays titled Love stories, done in 2014-2015 in Andrzej Tobis’ studio at Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. It consists of:
1. The story of the pipe (object, audio play, read by Monika Olszewska, 2014).
2. Malewicz vs. Kavinsky (object, audio play, read by Agata Cukierska, 2015).
3. Cracklings (object, audio play, read by a speech synthesiser, 2014).
4. Roses in the pipe – Róże w rurze (object, hoover pipe, roses, new version of the work made in 2015).
5. Cat tower (drawing on paper, 2015).
6. Computer game Blood displayed on Monika’s bottom (video, 2015).
The objects are self-made (wooden boxes) or made with dad’s help (gypsum disc and pipe).
The first story called The story of the pipe is an audio play about a young artist, who, as a result of a heartbreak, decides to take up conceptual art, focusing on the theme of pipes, thus leading to a tragedy.
The voice-over comes from a speaker hidden inside a pipe — a stylized minimalist, conceptual sculpture that could be constructed by the protagonist of the story.
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Roses in the pipe (Róże w rurze), object, Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, photo: Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
The series of objects and audio plays titled Love stories, done in 2014-2015 in Andrzej Tobis’ studio at Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. It consists of:
1. The story of the pipe (object, audio play, read by Monika Olszewska, 2014).
2. Malewicz vs. Kavinsky (object, audio play, read by Agata Cukierska, 2015).
3. Cracklings (object, audio play, read by a speech synthesiser, 2014).
4. Roses in the pipe – Róże w rurze (object, hoover pipe, roses, new version of the work made in 2015).
5. Cat tower (drawing on paper, 2015).
6. Computer game Blood displayed on Monika’s bottom (video, 2015).
The objects are self-made (wooden boxes) or made with dad’s help (gypsum disc and pipe).
The first story called The story of the pipe is an audio play about a young artist, who, as a result of a heartbreak, decides to take up conceptual art, focusing on the theme of pipes, thus leading to a tragedy.
The voice-over comes from a speaker hidden inside a pipe — a stylized minimalist, conceptual sculpture that could be constructed by the protagonist of the story.
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, photo: Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, photo: Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, photo: Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, photo: Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
Story of the pipe and other love stories exhibition view, CCA Kronika, Bytom, 2016, photo: Marcin Wysocki/Agata Cukierska
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